Friday, April 20, 2007

Louisville Slugger

I have had a very frustrating 10 days because I was not able to get on the internet the whole time. I tried at a couple of different truck stops, but both were having difficulty with their wireless service. And besides that, we were very rushed on some loads and didn't really get to stay long in any one place. So, it was great to get home and check my mail and read everyone's blogs.

We drove through Louisville, KY a couple of times this week and I thought if you haven't ever seen it, the big baseball bat is pretty neat. It's six stories tall and weighs 68,000 pounds. It's called the biggest baseball bat in the world, but it's actually made of steel painted to look like wood. Still pretty impressive.
We did get to pass through Austin, TX this week so we were able to stop and visit with Kirby's brother and with my son Todd and his family. Wish we could have stayed longer, but a few hours is better than nothing.
I don't know who is reading this stuff, but you might have noticed that I'm trying to add some interesting sights from our travels. Hope you enjoy them. You may even learn something you didn't know.

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