Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Candle Craziness

I found these candles on a clearance shelf at WalMart in Myrtle Beach and thought they were so pretty, and such a bargain at $4 each, that I couldn't pass them up. The candle holders are another clearance find at $5 each. But I didn't really have anyplace to use them in my house. I thought of putting them away for a future gift or something, then I ran across these little square plates at Ross ($2 each). It was funny when I saw the first one because I was thinking that I could get 4 of them and use them on my table with the black & white candles, but I wasn't sure I would find 4 of them since the first one I found was sitting with some bath towels, not in an aisle with dishes. I searched high and low (one of my favorite things about shopping) and found 4 plates, but no two are alike!! I think I like it even better that they don't match each other. Anyway, the weather is so pretty today that I'm getting ready to change to a spring time look on the table, and I thought I'd take a picture of my black & white candles before I put them away.

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