Sunday, March 11, 2007

Busy Day

I had a really busy day today. Two of my sisters and I went shopping in Kentucky. We live in West Virginia, but are only 30 minutes from the border, so we go to a store called Magic Mart to shop sometimes. I remember when my son was younger and used to come here to visit my parents, he thought it was so weird to go to another state to shop. The road actually passes into Kentucky twice on the way, so in that 30 minute drive you are in WV then KY then WV then KY again. Living in the middle of Texas you never cross the border into another state unless you drive for days, so that was strange to him as a kid.

Anyway, we went shopping and they had this buy one get one for $1 sale at Fashion Bug but I only found one thing and my sister found one, so we decide to put them together to get the discount. She pays for everything with her Fashion Bug card that she uses so seldom that it got cancelled once (which is another story altogether), and then we go to another store. Then all of a sudden she says "Hey, we didn't get the discount." I guess it just occurred to her that the total she paid was wrong. So we go back and find out that the shirt she bought was not part of the sale. So I ask the clerk if I can get another top for $1 with my shirt and she says I can. So she refunds everything on my sister's credit card while I'm looking for a second top. When I come back, she rings everything up again, including my second top, then looks at me and says, "That'll be $1.06." I paid her and we left, but we are still trying to figure out why she refunded everything, then rang it up again, but didn't put the extra $1 on the credit card???

As we were leaving, we had to pass by a table of girl scout cookies, so I'm going to start my low carb diet again tomorrow. My favorite diet story is the diet my mother went on where she was allowed to eat two or three animal crackers as a snack. I guess they are low fat or something. Anyway, she was digging through the box and we asked her what she was doing. I am not kidding you, she actually said, "If I only get to eat three of these, I'm eating the elephants because they are bigger than the other animals."

When we got home my husband wanted to go to a movie (300) but I didn't want to see that so I went to see Bridge to Terabithia. This movie was so sad I'm sorry I went to see it. I won't give away the story, but I didn't realize it was such a tear jerker. I knew I should have gone to see Ghost Rider, but it had already started.

I read my daughter's blog tonight and she will be glad to know that I have pulled the wallpaper border off in the spare bedroom and I am currently looking for a replacement. Something in a nautical theme, because I have so much nautical stuff in the living room I've decided to use some of it in that bedroom. I found the prettiest lighthouse plate rack and plates at Magic Mart.

We are leaving tomorrow to go to Salt Lake City, so I may or may not get to post anything for the next few days, but I'll do what I can.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm anxious to see yet another lighthouse room at your house. At least all the lighthouses won't be crammed into one room! Jake will be glad for that!