Friday, August 29, 2008

You'll be gone how long???

As many of you know, I am staying with Bailey & Maverick for the weekend while Jen & Jake take a trip to Phoenix. Here is what my daughter thinks is a fun weekend for Grammy. First, Maverick is cutting teeth and subsequently has diarrhea. Then she suggests "we" begin potty training Bailey while I'm here! The first day "we" potty trained, she went to work. The second day "we" potty trained, she went to Phoenix. Are you seeing some kind of pattern here??

Yesterday, Bailey was very resistant to wearing the underwear. But after we finally ignored all his attempts to get us to put a diaper on him, he finally gave up and let us put the underwear on him. Maverick thought wearing the underwear was lots of fun. He wet two pair in a span of 10 minutes and his potty training days were over. Bailey was able to go for about an hour before he had an accident, and after rushing him to the potty chair several times, he finally got the idea. I felt like Anne Sullivan with Helen Keller. Remember that great scene in the movie where Helen finally understands what's going on? I danced and sang and Bailey laughed and we clapped and hugged and made a big deal out of his success. He did it two more times before the day was over.

I'm sleeping in the bed with Bailey, so naturally, my daughter asked him if he wanted to sleep in his underwear or a diaper. The same kid who threw a fit for a diaper that morning chose to sleep with Grammy in underwear. I'm sure you can see where this is going. Thankfully the bed has a plastic sheet under the regular sheet. Grammy, however, has no plastic night gowns with her. Bailey actually made it through most of the night before I felt something very warm and damp under me. I just went back to sleep until he woke up. I'm sure it's not the first wet bed I've slept in.

This morning, it was like a different kid got out of that bed. He refused to sit on the potty chair no matter what I tried. He wet several pair of underwear and actually seemed to be doing it on purpose. After several hours of playing outside, then giving them a bath (they are like giving an octopus a bath - when you grab something out of one hand, they are pouring a cup of water on you with the other hand), then playing in Bailey's room (where you are forced to watch Monsters, Inc. over and over and over and over again), I had to get out of here. I said, "Bailey, let's go to McDonalds." Of course, he was all for it and started putting his shoes on. So I said, "We can't go until you use the potty." Keep in mind, he has been violently resisting the potty for several hours. He pulled his pants down, sat on the potty and peed, pulled them up, and said "I'm ready!" Does anybody think he has been toying with me all day??

Tonight we had the dreaded bowel movement in the underwear. The look on his face was priceless. I put him on the potty chair, even though it was too late. I rinsed those out and added them to the other five pair in the laundry. Good thing we bought another package of underwear.

So, if you need someone to keep your teething, sick, children who need to be potty trained, for a weekend, while you go to a fabulous resort to relax and enjoy yourself, just give me a call. I'm sure I can make some kind of arrangements to be busy that weekend.

Anyone who knows me, knows this post is an attempt to be funny. I have enjoyed every single minute with these two boys, even the screeming fits and the dirty diapers, because I know I get to go home next week, but Jen has to stay here and carry on.

1 comment:

Jen Whisonant said...

So, when are you available??? HAhahahahaha. WE love our grammys!